Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Book Of Isaiah. Day 150, The Joy Of The Redeemed, Part One

Chapter 35 is titled "The Joy Of The Redeemed" in the NIV. Some of the things included in this chapter have been fulfilled, but only in part, for the complete fulfillment will take place during the eternal kingdom of the Messiah.

We previously saw the Lord promising to punish the enemies of Israel. He has already, by our times, caused a number of nations to fall that persecuted Israel. He will also cause the fall of the kingdoms of the end times that band together to make war with His people. But after that comes restoration. After that comes renewal. The Lord will be the only King over the earth and the only people on the earth will be those who have trusted in Him. No sin will ever be committed again and the earth will no longer be polluted by sin. It will be restored to an Eden-like state.

"The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The joy of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God." (Isaiah 35:1-2) We know that the plans of the Assyrian army to lay siege to Jerusalem will be foiled by the Lord. In that sense there was a very immediate fulfillment in the promise that the people would have something to rejoice about. There was also a farther off reason for them to rejoice, for many in Israel who were dispersed by Assyria and many in Judah who were dispersed by Babylon would be able to return and rebuild. An even farther off reason to rejoice is that, after many centuries of not being a sovereign nation in the world, Israel would be recognized as a nation again---as it is today.

But the complete and eternal fulfillment of this restoration of Israel and of the earth itself will take place when the Lord reigns over the throne of the world. When He comes, He will judge every person and nation that has ever been the enemy of those who believe in Him. After He has carried out this justice, no enemy will ever stand against His children again. There will be no fear on the earth. No human enemy will ever attack, no accidents will ever happen, no illnesses will ever occur, no deaths will ever take place. As the book of Revelation states it, the Lord will make all things new. (Revelation 21:5) Those who have trusted in Him will live in the joy of His presence forever.

In the hard times of this life it can be easy to become discouraged when we look around at our personal circumstances and when we think about the things that go on in the world. This is why we must keep our eyes fixed on the Lord. He will help us with the difficulties of this life and He has a glorious and eternal life planned for us in the future. This next segment encourages us (and of course Isaiah's people in the distress they were facing in his day) to focus on the Lord and on His promise to avenge all the wrongs done to us.

"Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, 'Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, He will come with vengeance; with divine retribution He will come to save you.'" (Isaiah 35:3-4) Isaiah's people were filled with dread at the prospect of what the Assyrian army planned to do in their region. They were well aware of what Assyria had already done to other nations. But they are to encourage each other with His promise that He is going to deliver them from this threat.

In addition, everyone who believes in the Lord can encourage themselves with the words of verses 3-4. No wrong that has ever been done to us has ever gone unnoticed by the Lord. It sometimes seems as if His retribution against our enemies is a long time in coming, for we don't always see an immediate judgment of their sins, but that doesn't mean He won't ever judge their sins---either in this life or in the final judgment. As the Apostle Peter said, the Lord isn't slack with His promises, but what we perceive as a delay is Him giving sinners opportunities to repent. (2 Peter 3:9) Even though the Lord knows some people will never repent, His righteousness demands that He gives them a chance to do so. 

And it's a good thing that He does, because what if He had never given you or me opportunities to repent? He gave me far more than one chance to repent and be saved. I bet He gave you far more than one chance too. But the fact that He provides many opportunities means that no one who repeatedly rejects His mercy can stand at His judgment throne and claim He never held out His hands to them in mercy. Those the Lord promises to judge for their sins against Isaiah's people are those who never repent.

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