Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Message Of Malachi. Day 2, Lukewarm Worship

The message of Malachi is that the worship of the Lord has become halfhearted in the years following the rebuilding of the temple. Apathetic worship such as this is can also be called "lukewarm". The Lord had to deal with a lukewarm Israel in the last century before Christ, just as He will have to deal with a lukewarm church in the last century before the return of Christ. This is how the Lord feels about lukewarm devotion, according to His admonition to the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:15-16, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm---neither hot nor cold---I am about to spit you out of My mouth."

Lukewarm liquid tastes disgusting. For example, I always make a big pot of coffee before working on the blog, but sometimes I forget about my cup until about an hour later when I absentmindedly pick it up and take a mouthful only to realize it has become sickeningly lukewarm. I love hot coffee, and I can even drink cold or iced coffee, but lukewarm coffee is just nasty. This is how the Lord says He feels about lukewarm worship. He loves it when our hearts are on fire for Him. He can even respect a cold heart in a way, because coldhearted people aren't being hypocritical by pretending to worship Him; they are honest at least. But lukewarm worship makes Him sick to His stomach. 

The people expected the return to the land to be the beginning of a return to their former glory. They believed the Lord would remove the yoke of Persia and make Israel a sovereign nation again with her own king. They even thought the King of kings might enter the world scene upon their return from exile and that the kingdom of the Lord would commence. But none of these things have happened and they have lapsed into an attitude of "same old, same old". They aren't even bringing their best offerings and sacrifices to the temple, as required by the law, but are bringing God blemished sacrifices. The priests, who should have turned away blemished sacrifices, are going about their duties as if the offerings meet the requirements of the law. So today the Lord wants to know where is the respect that He deserves. He says, "'A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due Me?' says the Lord Almighty." (Malachi 1:6a) An order to honor our fathers and mothers is included in the Ten Commandments, so the Lord asks, "If you consider Me your father, why do you not honor Me?" The word of God also commands us to honor Him as Lord, so He wants to know, "If I am Lord, where is My respect?"

The Lord holds the priests to a higher standard of accountability than He holds the people, for they are to set a godly example for the people to follow. "'It is you priests who hold contempt for My name.' But you ask, 'How have we shown contempt for Your name?' 'By offering defiled food on My altar.' But you ask, 'How have we defiled You?' 'By saying that the Lord's table is contemptible. When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice lame or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you? Would he accept you?' says the Lord Almighty." (Malachi 1:6b-8) 

The sacrifices the people are bringing to the temple aren't costing them anything. They are giving the Lord the animals from their flocks and herds that are useless to them. This negates the entire meaning of sacrifice. If it doesn't cost us anything to follow the Lord, are we really following Him at all? Have we lapsed into a lukewarm condition? Have we become comfortable there? The Lord Jesus never taught about a "comfortable" religion or a "comfortable" relationship with Him. He taught that following Him would cost us something. (Luke 14:25-34) 

In some areas of the world being a Christian can cost a person his life. We may never be called upon to be martyrs, but following the Lord may cost us a promotion because we aren't perceived as team players if we don't party with our co-workers. It may cost us some popularity at school or in the community because we don't engage in the same behaviors as the "in" crowd. It may cost us personal pain when we have to say no to things when our carnal natures are begging us to say yes. It may cost us some time with our favorite hobbies or activities while we devote ourselves to the study of God's word and to prayer. If we have become comfortable, and if our relationship with Christ isn't costing us anything, and if we are pretty cozy and contented where we are, perhaps we have gradually cooled off like that nasty cup of coffee that I forgot to drink while it was hot. This is a challenge to me to examine my own worship life and to step it up wherever needed. Let's not bring God the halfhearted offerings of a lukewarm heart. Let's do what Christ told us we would have to do if we want to experience the thrilling and satisfying life of walking in His footsteps.....take up our cross and follow Him. (Matthew:24) 

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