When we concluded yesterday's text the Lord made a reference to "the city", meaning Jerusalem. That is where we pick up today. The reference to "she" is to be understood as a reference to Jerusalem and also to Israel as a whole.
"Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children." (Isaiah 66:7-8) Nations are not normally born without "labor". War, revolution, clearing of land, building dwellings, building infrastructure, and setting up laws/constitutions are usually involved. But the "giving birth" of Zion and the restoration of Jerusalem will be the Lord's work; the release of the captives from Babylon was done quickly and peacefully so they could return to their land and rebuild. The captivity and release were approximately 130 years in the future in Isaiah's day, but just as he has predicted the coming captivity, so also he predicts freedom and rebuilding.
I am sure that the other world powers of that era thought that Israel was finished. The northern kingdom was conquered by Assyria and the southern kingdom was conquered by Babylon. All but the poorest and least skilled were removed from the land and the land was resettled with conquered people from other nations. But the Lord accomplished exactly what He said He was going to accomplish. No one thought it was possible except those Israelites who kept the faith, and this is why the Lord says, "Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this?" Most nations that have been conquered and destroyed (or nearly destroyed) do not rise from the ashes at all. The ones that do don't accomplish it without a fight. But the Lord fights for Israel and He accomplished the return to the land without them having to lift a sword. Indeed, He accomplished the return by having them sent home with building materials given to them by the king who set them free. They did not return empty handed.
The Lord never breaks a promise. The One who is able to resurrect from the dead can certainly resurrect nations. He can also resurrect broken relationships and bring them back to life. He can rebuild He can heal hearts and bring hope back to life There is nothing too difficult for Him. Whatever needs you may have today, take them to Him. He is the source of all our help.
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