Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Book Of Isaiah. Day 179, A Remnant Spared

I am finally back to the Bible study after all the computer issues and delays in receiving the new laptop due to the winter storm. I'm sorry it took so long.

We are still in Chapter 65. We ended the last session with the Lord speaking about the judgment that would fall on those who forsook Him in favor of idols. But not everyone forsook Him for idols. Just as there has likely never been a time when every single descendant of Abraham loved the Lord, there has never been a time when every single descendant of Abraham forsook the Lord. Time and again in the Bible we find the Lord speaking of a "remnant" in regard to those who remain faithful to Him.

In today's passage the Lord compares this remnant to a vineyard in which there are still some fruitful vines among those that have become unfruitful. He compares the remnant to grapes that are still good for something. "This is what the Lord says: 'As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and people say, 'Do not destroy it, there is still a blessing in it,' so will I do on behalf of My servants; I will not destroy them all.'" (Isaiah 65:8)

As we have discussed before, during Isaiah's lifetime the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the nation of Assyria. This happened because the vast majority of people in the northern kingdom had become idolaters. It took an additional 130 years for the people of the southern kingdom of Judah to reach that level of idolatry, but when it did it fell to the nation of Babylon. But the Lord did not allow these people to cease being a separate and distinct group of people on the earth. He preserved a remnant of them in spite of their captivity in foreign lands. He preserved the royal line of David. He allowed many to return to the land of their forefathers.

He says: "I will bring forth descendants from Jacob, and from Judah those who will possess My mountains; My chosen people will inherit them, and there will My servants live. Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for My people who seek Me." (Isaiah 65:9-10)

The two locations mentioned above were two of the most fertile areas in the kingdom of Judah. The Lord is promising to make the land and its people flourish again. Though defeat and captivity may look like the end to them, it is not. The Lord will keep His promise to restore them to the land. The Lord will keep His promise to preserve them as a people. The Lord will keep His promise to bring forth the King of kings from the royal line of David.

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