Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Some News And A Thank You

I would like to thank everyone who has followed this Bible study blog. Some have been here since it began in 2013, some are newer, but I appreciate everyone who has ever read a single post. 

At this time there are things going on in my family and in my life that are taking up the time I need to study for and to write the daily posts. I have been writing this Bible study for twelve years, almost every day, and have always had only one window of time each day in which I could actually work on it. Lately I have very often not had that. I feel like I can't properly study and do a good job with it. 

After a lot of thought and prayer I have decided to discontinue new posts for the time being. I am sorry about this and hope I am not letting people down. The word of God deserves my full attention when I'm working with it and it deserves to be studied during a time of day when I am most mentally sharp. Unfortunately, with some things that are going on right now, I'm not able to take a couple of hours a day to do the full historical studies and to read and consider various commentaries on the Scriptures.

The blog will remain published. During these twelve years I have done a study of almost every book of the Bible---some books twice---and you can search the archives at the bottom of the page in order to go back through them or to read some that you may never have had a chance to read. I believe there are somewhere between 3,000-4,000 daily posts here. 

I regret to have to stop posting new studies at this time but am just not able to consistently keep up with the blog. You deserve a blog that is well-researched and posted on a regular, dependable schedule. 

Again, thank you so much for the time you've spent in the Bible with me. I love you and urge you to continue your own studies and to find a good, Scripturally sound online daily devotion. 

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